By Nick - 26/01/2010 21:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out I have a daughter. How did I find out? She added me on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 462
You deserved it 70

Top comments

Wow. That is ****** up - so basically the mum told her daughter you were the father but didn't think to tell you she existed?

wow that's just awful. are you still in contact with the mom? if so then that's just messded up..


perdix 29

Oh, shit! You missed the best years when she was sweet and would be "Daddy's Little Girl," and, POOF!, she magically finds you when she's a moody teenager who will constantly be hitting you up for money. F both of your L's

lilbyrd43 0

Shout out to networking sites, like facebook. You should delete it now, before more random kids pop up. Than you'll end up on Maury

eriyana8 0

wow....I'm presuming ur a guy, cuz I'd think you'd probably remember giving birth to her-

thats hot how old is she? jkin :P lol good luck with that your life sucks

hbgoddard 0

Let me get this straight... You got a friend request from someone on Facebook, they told you they were your daughter, and you believed them? YDI for being so gullible!

and if it's true? I found my father from the online phone book. you are the perfect mix of stupid and asshole.

dang. facebbok is the way to go. at least u now know u have a daughter. thank the lord for facebook.