By Nick - 26/01/2010 21:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out I have a daughter. How did I find out? She added me on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 462
You deserved it 70

Top comments

Wow. That is ****** up - so basically the mum told her daughter you were the father but didn't think to tell you she existed?

wow that's just awful. are you still in contact with the mom? if so then that's just messded up..


539533 0

hahahahahahahahah:D that blows.

YDI for making someone preggo and leaving them.

#86 OP did NOT know she was pregnant, as indicated by his surprise in this fml. So, he didn't ditch a pregnant girlfriend. There's no way to know who left who, or even if they were a one-night only thing at a party...

Aww, you have a one night stand child. You deserved it.

How do you know that, can you read minds?? Sure, it's very probable, but as you don't have proofs, you're a hypocrite to say he deserve it. For all we know, maybe the woman broke his heart and left him, then found out some weeks later that she was pregnant. We don't know.

I'm glad you know the whole story! thanks for clearing it up for everyone who isn't psychic. dumbass

are you male or female? lucky you haven't had to pay child support...

girlygirl666 0

I'm guessing... Male? Usually women are the ones who actually give birth to a child. They usually don't tend to forget this little detail, even after years and years go by. Strange, huh?

Why are people saying it's his fault because he didn't wear a condom? Condoms aren't 100% effective; birth control is much more effective. By that logic it's the girl's fault for not being on birth control. Oh wait, that's stupid too, because we don't actually know the contraception situation. What we do know is that the girl didn't tell him she got pregnant, which makes her a bitch.

True about condoms.. but i just have a feeling they both didn't even bother with contraception..

What proof did she have that she was your daughter? That she said she was? You're an idiot

gazelle_fml 0

wow. why didn't she callcit something shouldn't the mother have made sone sort if contact?