By Nick - 26/01/2010 21:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out I have a daughter. How did I find out? She added me on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 462
You deserved it 70

Top comments

Wow. That is ****** up - so basically the mum told her daughter you were the father but didn't think to tell you she existed?

wow that's just awful. are you still in contact with the mom? if so then that's just messded up..


J_nazzty 0

probably one of the fakest fmls ive seen in a while

Okay, this is the funniest FML I have ever read! I mean LOL! Facebook - uniting family members they didn't know they had XD

my older brother I didn't know about found me on facebook as well haha. I don't think of it as a FML really :p you shouldn't either OP.

Dude, this is the current storyline in Mary Worth. No, seriously:

bazinga_fml 0

My best friend got in contact with her birth mother via facebook. It's not an FML. It's opening the world up for your daughter. Fess up to your college mistakes, or whenever they were...she's your blood.

Sparkiee93 3

What a coincidence. I just found my Father on facebook yesterday around 2 pm....

t_dabba 0

wow , if it is true [not trying to be mean] then its not really a f-ck my life moment its kinda a good thing , esspecially if you want a kid in your life. if you dont want to talk to her just block her on facebook . or delete your account , either way. but if you want to then you should try to talk to her face to face and see the mom . you never know , you could possibly be a family [if you want that kinda thing] .

I think he means it's an FML that he has missed a lot of her life and was never told about her.

I found my dad on facebook, and my best friends dad found her the same way. this sort of thing actually isn't all that uncommon. anybody calling fake on this one is an idiot. OP- good luck on building a relationship (if that's what you choose) this sort of thing can be veeery ackward. speaking from experience.

it was awkward for me :/ i didnt add him, i messaged him. i got a reply every fortnight or so. I dont think he wants to speak to me