By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 01:57 - United States

Today, I found out everybody at work thinks I'm a lesbian because they thought my boyfriend was a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 959
You deserved it 5 994

Same thing different taste


fy boyfriend's life he looks like a girl and ydi for encouraging straight guys to be even more effeminate

ishiloh 5

I'm sorry OP. The same thing happens to me, my boyfriend apparently looks like a girl to most people. I don't see it though. When some of my friends saw a pic of him, they laughed and were like "OMG He looks like a chick! Hahahaahahah!", it's annoying. It doesn't matter what he looks like though, I love his personality, his looks are just a bonus >:3

occasional01 1

gender-bending is hot! effeminate men are attractive anyway, and so are lesbians

Aww....Nothing wrong with being mistaken for a lesbian! Anyway, androgyny is attractive: I think that the best looking guys look like girls. :)

Well, somebody told me you've got a boyfriend that looks like a girlfriend.

Somebody told me ! That you had a boyfriend that looked like a girlfriend that i had in february of last year !! !

Are you Selena and your boyfriend is the Biebster? lol

ekdfml 20
Brujo666 0

Ydi for dating an emo ass scenie weiney.