By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 01:57 - United States

Today, I found out everybody at work thinks I'm a lesbian because they thought my boyfriend was a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 959
You deserved it 5 994

Same thing different taste


I picture a long-haired pretty-boy with guyliner and unisex clothes. Mmhmm.

chobitschibi1369 0

So your guy is a little feminine and your coworkers think you are a lesbian. Things can always be worse. They could have thought you were a gay man instead eventhough you are a woman.

xalerion 0

who really cares what they think? you've got a boyfriend and hopefully you're happy being with him, if it bothers you that much then either talk with him or if it's bc of his body type, skin tone, etc or w/e then maybe you shouldn't be with him if it bothers you that much what ppl think

lmao. strip him down in front of mom and dad to prove a point. then he has an fml

i think 17 has a good idea, but when have you known a guy to be shy about hisself? hell when every man is alone he has the biggest dick in the world, so go give your office a show!!!

himself* Sorry, pet peeve. You wouldn't say hersself, right? 

Cjmw 7

And the problem with that is...?

whatever happened to manly men? why is it ok to be a feminine, fairylike, fag? the people in this country need to wake up

xicano 0

does he look like marilyn manson with man boobs?

maybe he needs to put the eyeliner and nail polish away. and give that bitch a haircut while you're at it. YDI.

I have long, wavy, sexy hair, and I'm oft mistaken as a woman when seen from behind. How do I compensate? I HAVE A BEARD! Get your boytoy to grow a pair, and then some hair on his baby face.