By Birdwatcher - 18/09/2012 16:19 - United States - Woodstock

Today, I found a tiny, featherless baby bird. I knew it was impossible, but I tried to keep it alive through the day. Before I could get it to the wildlife center, it died, and when I got all choked up over it, my mom started laughing at me and saying how "weak" I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 182
You deserved it 4 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Volcan_fml 22

Your mother is heartless. I would have cried too.


lincolnkite 6

I think the correct word is caring.

It's lovely that you tried to save the bird. Clearly you don't take after your mother.

afairshake 8

You tried to do a good thing your mom sounds like an evil bitch. I'd have done the same thing sorry the bird didn't make it at least you cared and tried.

Fyl, but to be honest, there was no way it was going to make it, even if you had gotten it to the center. It wasn't close enough to fully developed.

I tried the same thing. I even smashed up worms and fed it and rubbed the worms down its throat like mom. Baby birds survival rates are terrible without their mom. Don't beat yourself up.

1crabbygirl 10

True compassion is a trait often overlooked in this day and age. I commend you for having a soul.

Malevolent_Bunny 0

Your mother shouldn't have laughed at you, but unfortunately it's a fact of life that not everyone gets an even shot. At home our cockatiels have had several chicks and out of the 4 chicks abandoned in the first week, we only managed to save 1. Don't let people tell you that compassion is weakness!

kxxjoejoexxk 8

Exactly how is saving a animal helping especially if its a bird and cant fly that would kill them in the wild