By reallythough - 13/04/2013 18:07 - United Kingdom - Bicester

Today, I forgot to log out of my Facebook account before leaving for work. When I got back home, I discovered that my brother had gone through and commented "quack" on all my friend's duckfacing photos. She was not pleased. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 711
You deserved it 48 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where is the "Your idiot friend deserves it" button?

Cusefan5 6

They deserved for using the ugly ass **** face


I'm sorry, but if it's a shared computer you should've been more careful about this. YDI

Yes, because we're a perfect species that don't make mistakes or forget stuff...

nnnope 26

lmao, if that was my brother I'd high-five him. he was speaking her language!

WolfAtTheDoor 7

Whatever he said in Duck must've been very offensive...

WolfAtTheDoor 7

I think your friend totally deserved it. Trolling brother FTW!!

Duck faces are cute said Donald Duck to Daisy Duck. Don't mind the duck face haters, they prefer Mickeymouse face

Duck faces are what girls with low intelligence do, actually. Also, Donald and Daisy Duck are fictional.

YDI. Friends don't let friends duckface.

You had time to go on Facebook, but not log out? And I've heard that computers have these weird things called passwords to protect your info.... Weird, right?

CharresBarkrey 15

OP said they forgot, not that they didn't have time to.

I've heard that most browsers can store passwords to make it easier to visit places like Facebook.

I've heard that most of them give you the option not to save the password.

CharresBarkrey 15

I know FB will automatically have the 'Keep Me Logged In' box checked when you sign in sometimes, I'm sure a lot of people don't notice.