By TheSadPupper - 02/11/2016 15:17

Today, daylight savings is on the way. Two years ago, I planned to propose right before the time change, all to have an extra hour of "the best day of my life". Now I have an extra hour to remember how distinctly single I still am and how awful she was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 986
You deserved it 980

TheSadPupper tells us more.

OP here, made a new account just to respond. Been on this site for years and this is my first submission so at least I'm batting 1.000 on FMLs huh? Clarifications: The idea stemmed from a party I hosted the year prior as a post Halloween party. Didn't even realize it was Daylights Savings and when it was in full swing we realized we had a whole extra hour. We referred to it as the "Critical Hit" of party hosting. We had been together for 2+ years before the break up and it was HER that was trying to push for marriage after the first year. Like, in retrospect some really manipulative stuff about how she shouldn't have to jump through hoops and prove herself to me if I really loved her, and that she KNEW I was the one. I wanted to take my time and live together first, but I was head over heels for this girl. Finally around the two year mark I felt that I knew her well enough and felt like I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Clearly I was misguided. She broke up with me about 3 weeks before my proposal plan. Had to get my money back I had put down on an engagement ring ($1000 on $10K). That trip to the Jewelry store was not fun, but the workers there were super super gracious. I blamed myself for the longest time for driving her away and was an absolute mess for over a year. I'm.... a bit better now. I found out much later after the break up that she had cheated on me (that's a whole other crazy story), and that she lied to me about some CRITICALLY IMPORTANT information. And that she was already seeing someone else when we hooked back up about 4 months after our breakup. Her absolute lack of care for fidelity really got me when I found out she cheated on some other guy with me without my knowing. I actually like the interactions with OPs on this site so I'll try to be as open as possible.

Top comments

I'm sorry for what happened. I'm assuming she rejected the proposal? Don't kick yourself for it, as she could have said yes to make you not feel bad and then resented you for it, making you live in a lie of a relationship and waste these past two years! For others, or for next time, most couples talk about marriage prior to the proposal. Marriage should never be a surprise, but the way you propose can be! It's a huge commitment, both of you need to be on the same page! Good luck OP. Take it easy and keep on looking!


Ouch, I feel you OP!!! YOU DESERVE BETTER!!! :-)

species4872 19

crap sorry pressed the wrong ******* button.

Come on now, how do you know he deserves better?

Or Hawaii. There clocks never change either.

Move to China, the whole country is in the same time zone while countries around it span 4 or 5.

I'm sorry for what happened. I'm assuming she rejected the proposal? Don't kick yourself for it, as she could have said yes to make you not feel bad and then resented you for it, making you live in a lie of a relationship and waste these past two years! For others, or for next time, most couples talk about marriage prior to the proposal. Marriage should never be a surprise, but the way you propose can be! It's a huge commitment, both of you need to be on the same page! Good luck OP. Take it easy and keep on looking!

Based on how OP said she was awful would lead me to conclude that she said yes and became awful after that.

He used 'still' when he considered himself single, which would imply it never went through and it turned out awful. If he said just 'single', it would imply they were together up until recently, as she was awful throughout the relationship of being engaged/married.

...You do know what a proposal is, right? Proposing while you're single is not something normal, sane people do... (and if OP did then this FML becomes a YDI) The "still" simply implies that OP hasn't had another relationship since this one.

It is also assumed they were dating, as you said, because most people are not single when they do. His proposal went awry, and they split at that moment. It's pretty straightforward, and I'm not entirely sure why you are trying to explain what you have so far.

If the "still single" was about the proposal going bad it would imply that he was single before the proposal.

Nah, just that he's still single after two years. You have a strange sense of logic my friend.

Remember, the FML occurred two years ago. The "still single" part refers to the present day. This implies that the proposal was rejected and the relationship ended two years ago. Thus, every year on day light savings he has an extra hour and this constant reminder of how awful she and he has been single since the proposal.

Technically given the context of the sentence (or lack thereof), the "how awful she was" with no other description of what she was awful about would mean sexually.

Aw that's such a sweet idea for a proposal! At least you dodged a bullet OP. Onwards and upwards!

OopsieDoopsie 14

Clocks change on Sunday, which is a different date every year...

Kristoffer 35

What's your point? He never said it was the same date.

Least you found out she was awful sooner than later.

species4872 19

Stop wallowing in your own self pity. It serves no purpose and will only drag you further down. Go, have a shit, shower and shave, spruce yourself up a bit and go and find that girl who's just been waiting for you.

Listen to 11... BTW, I hear there's a city in British Columbia with a 3:1 female to male ratio. Perhaps a move is needed!

Look at it this way, you didn't have to regret an extra hour.

Kristoffer 35

How so? Daylight Savings Time ends this coming Sunday. It's pretty timely, if you ask me.

It depends on where in the world you are. Europe, and maybe other places too, did the time change last weekend.