By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 03:40 - United States

Today, I finally decided to get a dog. I have always been wanting to get one ever since I was a child. I bought a $1,400 Golden Retriever. I went out for lunch a few hours later with a friend, so I left my dog in the backyard. I came back home to a broken fence and no dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 860
You deserved it 64 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you tie it up? If it was a new pet, you don't know how it's going to react. YDI for not making sure it was secure!

dont have kids, please you cant even take care of a dog...


Thats what ya get when you pay that much for a dog! Go rescue one from a shelter for ***** sake!

nofyourlife 0

I know this has probably been written a million times, but: I have been a dog (3 of them, actually) owner for 14 years, and I have NEVER left my dogs outside when I'm not home. EVER. ...EVER. You didn't make it clear whether your dog ran away or was stolen, but my point, regardless of how much the dog cost and where you got him/her, is this wouldn't have happened if you left your dog in your house.

Thats what ya get for spending so much on a dog! Go rescue one from a shelter! --Apparently the person above me has the same idea!

thatguy0602 0

From the dog's perspective: "Today, a human bought me and left me alone in the backyard before we had a change to spend any time together. FML" YDI.

You should have made sure the fence was okay, and tied him up. Oh and the day you get a new dog, you're NOT SUPPOSED TO LEAVE IT ALONE! It was probably scared to death. Jerk.

Should have adopted, serves you right.

People should get over the $1400 price tag, outrageous as it is. The dog being left alone there and able to escape (if the fence wasn't vandalized and the dog taken) is the real reason to chastise the OP. I would have flipped the **** out no matter how much I had paid for the dog, just because it was my pet. I had adopted my Rottweiler/Setter mix for $40 but just by being my dog it's worth more to me than any given amount of money.

jio_freed 0

you deserved that. obviously if you JUST BOUGHT A PET, you're supposed to get it used to its new environment and not leave it after an hour.

ditto #86. buying animals is ridiculous.

sterling_silver 0

1. Pure breds cost a lot!! From breeders, they range from 600 to 2000.... so stop talking about how it was "over priced" 2. Where else did she/he have to put the dog... Really? they had a Fenced backyard... that would be the obvious place to put the dog. 3. OP was only gone for a few hours... not a month 4. Why adopt? Most dogs from shelters have diseases, and there are at least 12 viruses that transfer from dogs to humans. Updating a shelter dog on all the needed boosters and other medications can be VERY pricey...