By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 03:40 - United States

Today, I finally decided to get a dog. I have always been wanting to get one ever since I was a child. I bought a $1,400 Golden Retriever. I went out for lunch a few hours later with a friend, so I left my dog in the backyard. I came back home to a broken fence and no dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 860
You deserved it 64 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you tie it up? If it was a new pet, you don't know how it's going to react. YDI for not making sure it was secure!

dont have kids, please you cant even take care of a dog...


Pittfan557 0

I totally agree with number 60. You know nothing about owning a pet... try a single goldfish then work your way up to a hamster but thats it never get a dog again... hope you never have kids.

Yo fault, for not getting a shelter dog when you've never had the responsibility of taking care of and providing shelter for a dog before.

Skinny89 0

I agree, you should have adopted, it woulda been much cheaper. You would have deserved that one, but since you hadn't had a dog before, it's understandable. Next time tie up your dog!

sjam 0

Why would you leave a new dog in a back yard?! You totally had that coming. Go find that poor dog and find it some responsible owners. Maybe you should try goldfish.

$1400 for a Golden Retriever? You probably went to a pet store too and bought one of those overpriced inbred dogs instead of finding a good breeder. Lol. You so had it coming.

scarletgem21 0

Wow! $1400 dog? Personally, I would get one from a shelter, but to each his own. I hope you find it soon! Maybe call around and see if any of your neighbors have seen it running around or something?

Erock5718 0

all you assholes who keep harping on this dude for going to a breeder instead of a shelter can **** off! thats like saying he's an asshole for having his own kid instead of adopting one! dude made a dumb mistake and he would have done it with any dog no matter where he got it from!

Those two things are nothing alike. In any way.

aynonymous 0

IDIOT leaving your new dog loose!!!!! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU YDI

pumpkincakes 3

you JUST got the dog its obviously scared since its got a new home etc and you just left it of course its gonna try get away