By traveller - 13/04/2009 10:45 - United States

Today, I drove 9 hours and took Monday off of work to surprise my Mom and Dad for Easter. They weren't home so I called to tell them the surprise, rather than wait. They didn't answer as they were on a flight to Denver to surprise me for Easter since "I couldn't get off work." FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 494
You deserved it 14 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kissothis 6

you'll look back and laugh at this one day... meanwhile.. i'm laughing now. =]

Hahaha. Ironic. Sorry man, but that was a good one.


lol oh sweet irony! and stop saying "cute" ARGH THAT WORD DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!

dude that was not an FML thats was very sweet...and cute =P to #112

You are really blessed to have such loving parents... definitely not f***ed

lalalalalala_fml 0

oh the irony! good thing they came to see you. bad timing though. haha

it happened to me when /i was a kid, I went to a friends house and he went to mine, I came home and so he did.... we keeped "changing" positions for about 3 times.

thats not FML....thats TML TOO MUCH LOVE

Thank you #46, you posted exactly what I was going to. That's one of my favorite stories!

Beansandnachos 0

while this is messed up, it is really sweet. Definately movie material

not that that wasnt sweet and all but it was Easter not guys must be mega religious or something

trishaaa 0

Hey, at least both parties care!