By Lilo4life - 06/08/2015 15:18 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I discovered that I am just tall enough and my hair is just long enough, to get caught in the ceiling fan if I flip it over to dry it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 407
You deserved it 2 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have long hair. This is my biggest fear come true


tastychickens 13

I feel your pain. My hair is down to my thighs and gets caught in the car door and the seat belt mechanism when the belt retracts. It's worth it though.

That just seems excessively long, wow!

lol spend 40 min in the shower just doing shampoo

Did you really feel a deep sense of need to express this comment?

RedPillSucks 31

@17, well if you insist, but what does that have to do with OPs hair

Ouch, I have short hair but that hurts to think about. I hope it didn't rip out any hair or at least not enough to be very noticeable

That really blows. You mustn't be a fan of what happened. I imagine this event gave your head a spin.

Time for a haircut...or donate what you lost to locks for love

I feel your pain. My hair goes past my butt. It sucks when my hair gets caught in the car door, because the wind blows it out as I'm ******** the door. Only being mindful can solve this problem :)

Ok so you addressed this but I cant get over "******** the door" XD probably not the best experience

Haha... Yeah, it caught me by surprise ;)

Why does this remind me of the minion xfinity commercial?

I know that feel but worse. I'm just tall enough for the ones in my house to smack my head when I walk under them. I've jumped out of bed before and jumped up after eating a meal and broken the glass bulb fixtures and the bulbs with my head before. Not a fun time.