By wearingshorts - 28/08/2010 04:54 - United States

Today, I decided to wear string panties. While in line at the mall, they became untied. I was wearing a skirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 364
You deserved it 39 141

Same thing different taste


lol damn!! if your hott it doesn't matter

Today, I was at the mall & the chick in front of me was wearing a short skirt, her string panties came untied worked their way off, she bent over to get them, giving me a nice glance at her bearded clam, so I gave her a nice nudge knocking her over... WIN!

Every hottie should be required to wear mini skirts with string panties!!!!

why is everyone clowning on #13? you're not ugly!!

omega802 0

20 I would wanna be the one that frisks her then

UpYoursInAdvance 0

nice I saw you their at the mall I'm the guy you flashed :)