By Anonymous - 21/10/2017 05:00 - Denmark - Viborg

Today, a friend sent me a video of my boyfriend of 2.5 years and the girl I "shouldn't be worried about" on a date at the restaurant he claimed he hated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 326
You deserved it 271

Top comments

As someone who has recently gone through the same thing. I'm sorry, it really does suck. I hope you now mean ex-boyfriend though?? Because rarely if ever do they actually change.

I hope you mean ex-boyfriend. If he lies about what restaurants he hates, what else would he lie about? You deserve better, i.e., a guy who will eat wherever you want to go!


As someone who has recently gone through the same thing. I'm sorry, it really does suck. I hope you now mean ex-boyfriend though?? Because rarely if ever do they actually change.

I hope you mean ex-boyfriend. If he lies about what restaurants he hates, what else would he lie about? You deserve better, i.e., a guy who will eat wherever you want to go!

Lobby_Bee 17

Been there, done that. I'm sorry you had to go through that crap. Not worth it to have that sack of shit around, dump.

Yes, dumb this guy. Also, let the other girl know as well. He is lying to her as well.

This is almost word for word of a reply in a recent Reddit "How did you find out your SO is cheating?" thread posted within the past couple days...

Going out to eat with a friend is automatically a date?

kimberbuckel 1
Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Sorry to laugh at this, but the amount of clishee is too damn high!

kimberbuckel 1

Do you mean cliche'? i.e. ex~boyfriend ex~boyfriend ex~boyfriend ex~boyfriend

ItchySasquatch 9

For real though, shout out to the friend for getting some hard evidence. Now you lose the dead weight, and have a trustworthy friend. Win-Win