By rbates - 25/07/2009 18:32 - United States

Today, I decided to make a place in my house for my friends to sign called “The Friend Wall." By sign I meant sign, not draw body parts. This afternoon I ate lunch next to a basketball-sized vagina and a monumentally large blue and purple penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 784
You deserved it 60 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Lol, this reminded me of Dr Manhattan

You left your friend(s) unattended in your home for that long? Hm. It's unfortunate that your "friends" are people that would even think to do something like that. But I suppose you all can't be too different each other.

No offense but why a "friend wall"? That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

shud have bought paint that becomes a chalk board

Wow, the "friend wall" sounds really dumb. Get facebook or something.

The "Friend Wall" IS a dumb idea. OP needs a life.

ydi for letting your friends use markers on your stuff

this is the dumbest fml i've ever read

littlebrittle77 0

people do the same thing to the boys bathroom wall at my school