By rbates - 25/07/2009 18:32 - United States

Today, I decided to make a place in my house for my friends to sign called “The Friend Wall." By sign I meant sign, not draw body parts. This afternoon I ate lunch next to a basketball-sized vagina and a monumentally large blue and purple penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 784
You deserved it 60 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I definitely had the same thing happen to me, but my friend wall was on pink wrapping paper that I had put up in my dorm. Never make a permanent space for friends to put permanent things....

Maybe your friends are a big pussy and a huge dick?

liteupthestage 0

dude, friends=immaturity. u were askin for it

mehwhateverr 0

That's a nice idea! (: Too bad it backfired, though.

I wish my friends would draw penises and vaginas on my wall!

Maybe you're just friends with penises and vaginas.

@86 yeah...apparently her friends are dicks and ***** rude. not to mention immature. it's not a YDI or even a RYL...more like FYF[riends].

guess you'll need to paint over it..hope you actually own the house..