By Monkey253100 - 03/06/2012 14:47 - France

Today, I decided to be healthy and go for a run. I broke my ankle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 387
You deserved it 4 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Silly OP, breaking your ankle is not healthy.

mrsmathers17531 5


weepingangel_fml 7

Running... You're doing it wrong.

anoellem 1

Sounds like it was more healthy in theory

Nah, some people just need to learn to ease into it when they haven't lifted a finger in God knows how long.

That's why you must never leave the box

Well how long did you sit on the couch before you made that decision??

sup_life 0

You mean your ankle couldn't handle all the fat on your body and collapsed ?

Umm, no. If you're fat and can still move about and run, then chances are OP is not morbidly obese. And never in my whole life have ever heard of a heavily obese person breaking their ankles due to their weight. Do a little reaserch before bashing people because of their health (even though we don't know how fat OP is), m'Kay?

sup_life 0

Hey it's called a joke , you know what that is... Learn to laugh before you preach

kandi_kid69 15

109- I thought jokes were meant to be funny not hurtful.

That's weird... 19 and 43 have the same picture, but there are different words. Did anyone else notice that??

klimp5488 3

Grass is green... O I'm sorry. I thought we were talking about things no on cared about.

In the words of Rob from Ridiculousness - Ghost Hole!!!!!

Well that is a silly way of exercising, breaking ur ankle.

Hahahahahahahahaha. I did the same thing a year ago.

kaileylovesyew 4

Haha ur number 69 lol and yea i did too a few months ago