By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 14:48 - United States

Today, I decided I would eat healthy in order to lose weight. Feeling powerful, I threw away all of the icecream in my freezer. An hour later, I picked the icecream carton out of the garbage and ate the entire half-melted carton. FML
I agree, your life sucks 222
You deserved it 458

Top comments

moleSG 6

YDI. If you can't control your cravings that badly, then you need to throw it away and KEEP it away.

Sorry, that is disgusting. I've never heard of anyone who has such a lack of self control.


justjayit 0

Wow, OP, there's other things to do than think about ice cream all the time. And I hate the drawing. It looks like it was drawn by an anime-artist wannabe who can't draw straight lines or color decently.

Kylias 6

So people are only allowed to draw when they do it perfectly?

It's not that, it's just very clear that this person started drawing digitally very recently. Their lines are shaky and their grasp of anatomy is lacking at best. The artist clearly has little foundation in anatomy and color, and only draws chibi-style anime because it's popular and "easy". Too many teens these days jump into drawing anime because they see it on TV, instead of brushing up on theory and life drawing because they don't think they need it. That said, the idea was cute, the drawing is poorly rendered and could use a great deal of work.

cyurihsung 0

OR, maybe people draw in anime art style because they LIKE it.

This. Stop fighting over the humans' idiocy, laugh about it and move on instead.

Um, yeah, maybe the poster doesn't want to be a professional artist and therefore doesn't need to spend time mastering perfect life-drawing techniques. Or maybe they like anime because it's fun to draw. Why the assumption that teens are too lazy to learn to draw "properly"? I draw anime, and I'm a teen. I've never had any desire to draw perfect likenesses of things. I draw it because it's fun, and quite frankly, anime can be quite beautiful. It does, contrary to popular belief, take practice to draw anime well.

I'm sure that she drew it in anime style because she "likes it". Of course, it would be silly if she did otherwise. However, the basic BOTTOM LINE for all character art, anime or otherwise, is based on the human figure. To be able to stylize the human form, you need to have a grasp on its basis. Otherwise you're just ending up drawing the same exact pose- same face- same expression- same bland character over and over in a futile effort to make something interesting. The fun fact about anime is that even if it is poorly drawn, it still is popular and people like it. Small amount of effort for a huge amount of praise. All that being said, I too used to draw anime since when I was 13 years old, and now I'm 23. I've grown out of it, and I'm glad I started figure drawing, it made even my anime drawings much better to look at and easier to actually work with. I wasn't stuck redrawing the same arm because it wasn't "just right".

This! I'm not saying every last one has to be a masterpiece, but this is just an eyesore!

boatkicker 4

Next time you want to say something like "Every last one of you" you might want to be sure you really are talking to "every last one" because I can see a shit-ton of people who defended OP. Also, plenty of people are assholes outside the internet, too. That said, I agree that MOST of the people on here are being way too harsh. It is a disorder and OP probably couldn't help it.

Stephai 0

Sounds like you're one of em.

boatkicker 4

I may be equally bad for not having defended OP but never did I say that OP was pathetic or disgusting or any of the other insults on here. I wouldn't even imply it because I have watched people go through disorders like that. I do not speak out against people calling OP pathetic because OP is not necessarily a binge eater. And if OP does NOT have an eating disorder they are bordering on some of those things. Because I don't have enough information either way, I wont say anything against or for OP. Besides the comment which this is about, I made a comment about a better solution for weight loss than throwing out the ice cream. I also made a comment about McDonalds food smelling like piss when it gets cold, and one that said not only young teen girls get eating disorders.

Mata_Hari 0

Wow.. I admit to desperate binging, but I never have thrown food away only to go get it out of the garbage to eat o.O Even if it was in a carton/packaged/etc.

Vampire_princess 0

I love the illistration! It's so cute!

The poster had the right idea initially in throwing it out - I know one of the hardest problems I have trying to stay healthy is that I'm not the main food provider for the household, so plenty of snacks get into the place which are hard to resist due to simplicity and taste (ie. do I want to spend 5 to 10 minutes preparing a healthy meal, or do I want a bag of crisps?). Going back after it was a moment of weakness, but we all have those. One trick I've picked up is that you *can't* have a "hit 'em for a penny, hit 'em for a pound" mentality. If you fall off the horse a little bit, you've gotta cling on for dear life and not fall off the entire way. Also, when they say garbage, we have no idea what kind of garbage this is. They may have put it in their recently cleaned personal kitchen bin, at the very top, and it may have been completely clean. Sure it was melted, but personally when I have ice-cream at home I zap it in the microwave for 10-15 secs to soften it up - it ends up being a lot softer, and more enjoyable because of it. All in all, I'd say FYL for falling off the horse a bit, but a grats on making some sort of attempt. ^^

ElleEnvy 0

The illustration is nice. 2nd good one I think. I agree with the more you can't have something the more you crave it.

I myself have used the "5 second rule" plenty of times, but I must admit that this is a bit on the extreme side. YDI Last but not least, since you obviously screwed up your resolve, I will leave you with this quote. "Ol' Matt's gonna prove that with a little PMA - positive mental attitude - you can do just about anything!" - Chris Farley (as Matt Foley in Motivational Santa) See, if even an old man who lives in a VAN down by the RIVER can get it right, so can you!

Quitting cold turkey was easy, at least for me. Junk food is still in the house for other people, the temptation is there to eat it....just..don't

the drawing is great :)! I especially love the ending ;p