By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 14:45 - Norway

Today, my 3 year old kid wanted to do something nice. I told him he could pick up some of his toys. He washed my new Iphone instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 952
You deserved it 7 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmmmr 0

Fail. Don't let kids or animals near your iphone unsupervised.


lmmmr 0

Fail. Don't let kids or animals near your iphone unsupervised.

abandonship 3

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^^agreed. kids just screw stuff up and raise your blood pressure

cadillacgal79 32

I suggest none of you become parents than.

jgardner12 0

Damn oh well thank god they come with default one year warranties, if I remember correctly. So yea it sucks that he did it but now you can teach him a lesson about washing electronics and you will not have it for a while but at least you can get a replacement from Apple.

mykon_fml 0

aww thats so sad. at least he was trying to be helpful. hopefully you have a warranty.

If you can hold off on replacing it for a month, you'll get one of the new iPhones that Apple's coming out with in June. Maybe the kid did you a favor.

hey, better the iphone than a light socket.

jen_kay 0

hahah, its clean at least (and broken) His heart was in the right place tho.