By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 14:48 - United States

Today, I decided I would eat healthy in order to lose weight. Feeling powerful, I threw away all of the icecream in my freezer. An hour later, I picked the icecream carton out of the garbage and ate the entire half-melted carton. FML
I agree, your life sucks 222
You deserved it 458

Top comments

moleSG 6

YDI. If you can't control your cravings that badly, then you need to throw it away and KEEP it away.

Sorry, that is disgusting. I've never heard of anyone who has such a lack of self control.


Rasnosaur 0

damn...that's pretty about being a should start going to might help

lizzi02 13

You dont need to be fat to go on a diet. "eating healthier" has nothing to do with being fat. Just a change of lifestyle =]

The comments on this are so vicious... Her life is ****** because she has no self control, not she deserves it for having no self control XP

Kylias 6

Naww, the style of this illustration is absolutely adorable!

psu5120 0

hahaha y is the girl in the comic skinny? shouldn't she be fat?

Skinny girls tend to have worse diet problems because they go into a panic attack if they gain just 1 lb.

that is just wow have u ever tired of like a sugar patch like smokers b/c u rly need help

I LOVE THE DRAWING! As for the FML. Well, to be honest, I bet half the people here are just on moral high horses. Is every poster here saying they have never ever binged out on some food in the cupboard or the fridge? Theres not much difference here except the OP rescued the ice cream tub out of the bin. Which, unless the icecream came out and was all over the bin, is not that disgusting. Negative commentors on here are all out to make themselves feel better by projecting there own insecurities on everybody else. FML is meant to be a lighthearted site and people that throw insults towards the OP for a moment of weakness should take a good long look at themselves and realise how hurtful they could be. Anyway. ^^

Ok first of all, just because someone wants to be healthy doesn't mean they are fat. Second, I can't believe people can be so mean. We ALL have our moments. sure its a little nasty, but at least you're trying(:

boatkicker 4

I have very little respect for diets as a plan for weight loss, especially ones that cut out important parts of what you already eat. Excercise along with just general healthy eating is more effective than any sort of fancy diet. The more you deny yourself something that you crave, the more you will crave it. Eventually you will binge. The trick is to eat it in moderation. If you want a bowl of ice cream have a BOWL of ice cream. IF you still are hungry after that have a piece of bread. Chances are after bread and ice cream any hunger that you have is not real hunger, but more just you wanting food. Sometimes the brain screws up and its hard to tell the difference between real hunger and mental hunger. If you still feel hungry after that get a glass of water. Focus on the sips. One every few seconds. The sipping motion and swallowing, not to mention that it fills your stomach a bit, usually convinces your brain you're not hungry anymore. If you are genuinely hungry still (wait an hour if you still want food you're still hungry) then eat a healthy snack or rearrange your diet for more small means instead of the typical large breakfast lunch dinner. As for vegetables they, are an important part of this. If you don't like green peppers cut them up as small as you can manage and cook them into a spaghetti sauce. If they're small enough you wont taste them, but your body will still be getting them. You can do that with a lot of vegetables. It doesn't have to be spaghetti sauce either. Potatoes have a lot of nutrients and can be quite filling. Most important though, is exercising. You can't lose weight if you don't. It doesn't have to be anything dramatic though. It can be something simple and easy like going for a walk, or it can be some crunches on teh floor. Don't over do it right away or you'll make yourself sick. Just do what you're comfortable with. Half an hour a day, or whatever. Don't break yourself.