By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 14:48 - United States

Today, I decided I would eat healthy in order to lose weight. Feeling powerful, I threw away all of the icecream in my freezer. An hour later, I picked the icecream carton out of the garbage and ate the entire half-melted carton. FML
I agree, your life sucks 222
You deserved it 458

Top comments

moleSG 6

YDI. If you can't control your cravings that badly, then you need to throw it away and KEEP it away.

Sorry, that is disgusting. I've never heard of anyone who has such a lack of self control.


maronofhearts 19

We all know you shouldn't get ice cream out of the trash but yelling about it and calling the original posting gross and disgusting isn't really necessary, i mean really do you think your helping by calling them fat and disgusting so she wants some stupid ice cream. Like the rest of us are perfect and to people saying this isn't an fml, well your obviously not the moderator who approved it and said it was if its on here its an fml if you don't like it don't read it. Anyways i just thought someone should speak like a human being instead of the constant "you need medical help you disgusting person" comments and the many many comments which have been moderated off. To the original poster, if you read these comments don't listen to these people who just talk trash to everyone like they are so much better than you they don't know you and if anything you should take these comments to push you further on your goals and prove all the jerks wrong. (btw it was the horrible comments on this fml which finally pushed me into creating an account to comment back that's how bad they are, think about that.)

wow some people on here take this stuff wayyyy too seriously. firstly, i bet this story is fake - its too personal and embarrassing to be true. anyone who would actually do something like this wouldnt tell people on a public forum. secondly, even if it isnt, do those of you who are being so negative really need to comment? you are obviously a little insecure and just a generally miserable person if you feel the need to lash out at people over a public website that is meant to be about humour and light-heartedness. some of you need a life.

Have you read some of the other fmls?!? This is nothing!

shoutshout 0

I like what #148 said. Some of the previous commentators are really being unnecessarily rude. This site is supposed to be fun, not absolutely serious. And you really shouldn't be so judgmental. That's just rude.

Dont care about the story... but loved the drawing, many of the last ones have been great!

Someone has letting go of issues, ahaha. Love the drawing though !

unholy_mushrooms 0


Turnip_Girl 0

Ok, of those complaining about her lack of control..... How many of you smoke? How many of you drink and get drunk? That's just to start. Different people have different weaknesses, and for some people food is just as addicting. Luckily I'm not one of them, but I have friends with the problem, but I'd dare say that every person who commented about her lack of control has some problem that they don't have enough self control to handle. I've met very few people who have self control in all areas.

...i am an impulsive mastubator. *cries*

Ouch, that's sort of sad... As for the cartoon, I don't like it much. Shaky lines in 'Chibi' anime form. Amatuer artist that learned from watching anime?

well, i don't think the style is particularly original, but it is cute and expressive, and i like the idea of just brown tones. not-perfect lines and silly proportions are common in lots of cartoons, too. regardless, it doesn't really matter if the artist is very advanced; it just matters if they can capture the humor and schadenfreude of FML. now, personally, this one didn't do much for me, but i didn't think it was that funny of an FML to begin with.