By Kayla - 06/03/2012 00:43 - United States

Today, I choked on a gummy bear and ended up in the emergency room. The first thing the doctor said to me was, "Well, that must have been 'beary' uncomfortable." The entire room burst into laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 839
You deserved it 8 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YdoIhaveAchode 4

That doctor is smooth like Keith stone.

TheOnlyAlan 0

I'm in med school... I can't wait to use this some day.


To those who don't know, doctors make silly jokes because the laughing gas needs a short boost to get the laughing started. Even the lamest joke will do. And because gas spreads trough the air, everyone laughs, or pretends to like the joke so the patient laughs.

TheLonelyPoet 0

Hey cut them some slack, they work in a pretty depressing place.

Sorry to say this but if i was there I'd done the same thing!(:

They say that laughter is the best medicine, but that's not a foolproof way to dislodge gummy bears from your trachea.

dragonmirado 12

Haha, this is why we should be paying more for health care. That was a classic!

You got to admit the joke was funny , the choking part tho that wouldn't of been fun .