By Kayla - 06/03/2012 00:43 - United States

Today, I choked on a gummy bear and ended up in the emergency room. The first thing the doctor said to me was, "Well, that must have been 'beary' uncomfortable." The entire room burst into laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 839
You deserved it 8 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YdoIhaveAchode 4

That doctor is smooth like Keith stone.

TheOnlyAlan 0

I'm in med school... I can't wait to use this some day.


smilesalot34779 4
MamieJoy98 7

If I was or ever will be in that situation... I would be all "hahaha" then punch the doctor in the face.

How do you choke on something that small? And why didn't you punch the doctor in the face?

Lol so? My bro had to get staples in his head. He went to the clinic to get a bandage and the principal walked and said 'this might not b a good time to make fun of ur bonnet' (refering to the bandage wraped around his head) everyone started laughin

I don't know how you managed that... I would have been able to bear the humiliation

That must've been unbearably humiliating.

gators1995 30