By BlueBallMcGee - 11/05/2009 12:08 - United States

Today, I came home from working twelve hours straight. Feeling rather frisky, I attempted to seduce my wife upon arriving home. She said that sleep was better than sex and went directly to bed. It was only 6:30 PM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 759
You deserved it 7 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rejected. Maybe you should be better in bed? Or maybe it was just one of those days for your wife? Idk, lots of explanations, but unless you haven't gotten any for weeks this really isn't an FML.

So take a nap with her, cuddle and whatnot, then **** when you wake up.


DeathByIrony90 0

uhm, #87, since when is "I attempted to seduce my wife upon returning home" NOT "attempting to turn her on before you decide its the time to do it"?!! Reading comprehension *Fail*. However, being a guy who's not really been in a real relationship yet, much less married, I gotta say FML has given me some indirect pointers on what questions to ask before proceeding in any relationship. What she did was a tad bit disrespectful IMO, not even an explanation as to why she was tired at 6:30???!

#61 Are you telling us that asexual people cannot have romantic relationships? Romantic relationships are about the emotional connection, not just about sexy time -_- .

Clay_Allison 0

If someone was that interested in avoiding intimacy with me, they'd get what they wanted. I recently broke off a long distance relationship because it wasn't getting any shorter and I realized that I was drinking because I felt unloved and emotionally unsupported. Whisky had become my "liquid hug" and I needed to stop. If your girlfriend or wife blows you off like that with no regard for your feelings, you can either quit her and find someone who gives a crap about you, or start drinking.

lifeseemstosuck 0

sorry! unless you're 90 years old and you also eat baby food for each meal, your life totally sucks!

Electrolight_fml 0

Oh welllll :] It just shows that she really does love you! If she's still with you AND she married you even if you're crap in bed, it shows that she's willing to put aside a shitty sexlife to be with you. Though the way she presented that is a little bit blunt, lack of food (people don't eat much whilst working), lack of sleep (like you say) and hardwork makes people ratty. No problem here :)

Damn man that SUCKS! You know how women can get. Biiiiiitchy :)

I think your wife does not love or like you anymore. How often does this happen?

NoahLou 0

You got home after being at work for 12 hours? Did you shower first? Next time shower and bring flowers. Just a suggestion.

dvs01 0

Why would you marry someone like that?

go to the strip club instead. she won't notice.