OK, now that's gross

By CM112 - 27/10/2019 06:00 - South Africa

Today, I found a piece of a popcorn kernel stuck in my teeth. I haven't eaten popcorn in over a week and a half. FML
I agree, your life sucks 890
You deserved it 1 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bobsanction 18

Your dentist is crying at your lack of flossing bud.

bullsonyourface 20

now you have a nice mid day snack


Someone probably stuck it between your teeth while you slept last night. Occam's Razor: the simplest solution is usually the best.

I like your icon. 2 points to Ravenclaw.

bobsanction 18

Your dentist is crying at your lack of flossing bud.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

so you haven't brushed for a week and a half then?

bullsonyourface 20

now you have a nice mid day snack

You don't have to floss all your teeth, just the ones you wanna keep! Also, gum disease can cause heart attacks. Seriously people, floss your dang teeth.

prettylamemyguy 7

how is your dental hygiene, my guy?

jfigley 5

Apparently you dont like to to use oral hygiene...how many teeth would you like to still have when you are 60???