By BioChickthcfy - 13/11/2013 22:27 - United States - Edinburg

Today, one of the special needs teens I work with confessed his love for me. It was cute until he put his erection on my leg and attempted to hump me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 107
You deserved it 3 882

BioChickthcfy tells us more.

All is well, he was reminded to have "nice hands" as well as other things. He lives at the facility I work at, but I will not be working with this youth anymore. Things escalated very quickly and in order for everyone to be safe and be able to learn in an apparently less tempting environment I will be in a different location.

Top comments

He must have thought about it hard and long to attempt to hump you. This gives hump day a whole new meaning lol. Happy hump day


Why nightmares? Op knew he was a special needs teen. Now she knows what his special needs are.

well we can guess what one of his needs are!

JMichael 25

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Okay 32 ill just let a random teen rape me....

He must have thought about it hard and long to attempt to hump you. This gives hump day a whole new meaning lol. Happy hump day

whiteboy896 9
BradTheBrony 19

This kid especially needs some lovin'. Get it? eSPECIALly NEEDS? Okay I'm leaving now

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\ 28

Hey, what about "God gives special children to special people?"

This shouldn't be marked down. I agree with what you said. I think special need workers are amazing.

84- finally someone understands what I'm saying.

thats not funny idk why you said OP made your day its like your making front of special needs people...

Woah calm down #4 I don't think he meant it like that...

When did this meme become appropriate to use again?

It's like ******* on the first date. Kid put his raging bone on her leg and tried humping her. She was unaware of his romantic feelings for her, let alone had any feelings for him. Wouldn't be my first choice for a reference here, but still appropriate.

That's not the only thing that escalated quickly.

raytyler26 16

This comment thread is gonna get real ****** up over the next few days.

Working with special needs teens is sometimes hard and in this particular situation, weird. They're also really sweet to take care of and I respect you for your enduring work. (Unrelated to your FML but I just wanted to let you know you are an amazing person (:) Let's just hope it doesn't happen again^^

I agree; we have a special needs department at my school and there are a couple of boys constantly getting suspended for this kind of thing. It's an issue that comes up a lot, as some of these kids have no idea what's going on with their bodies and also have no boundaries. others think its a game. mostly they touch other students. I've always wanted to work with special needs teens but I don't know how I'd deal with this kind of thing.