By lolzor - 12/03/2009 12:07 - Australia

Today, I called a priest "lame". He responded jokingly with "God will smite you!" I laughed and walked out the door. I tripped and broke my ankle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 486
You deserved it 106 074

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_vik 0

You deserved that for calling a priest lame.

HopelesslyHpfl 0

you don't mess with God's followers Haha


christopherlove 0

Get your revenge on god by cutting off the priest's leg.

ImaTrainwreck 0

HAHAH That's what you get.

simply further proof that god, if he exists, is a totally immature dick.

fmljw 2

lolzor: wanna take this outside? priest: bring it on, God's on my side.. haha

I call bs! I really doubt a priest said "god will smite you"

Vinya_777 0

LMAO!!! Thats ******* brilliant! I joke about priests with my friends , just messing around , not meaning any of it , but thats the first time I hear something like that! Brilliant! hah

Thats what you get when you call a priest lame! whoaaa oh ohh whoaaaa ohhh! heheh... but yeah... ydi lol.

That's what you get for insulting his giant magical sky-man.