By ouch - 16/06/2016 10:14 - United States - Livonia

Today, I broke up with my girlfriend. She was so angry, she stabbed me in the hand with a plastic fork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 374
You deserved it 2 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Geez. I guess it's a good thing she's your ex then....

Hey, at least it was plastic. If it were metal you would have to worry about the psychotic ex and a broken hand.


She confirmed that you made the right decision.

I used to do that to myself with plastic forks they just shatter and it doesn't hurt at all. Don't be a bitch.

TMO2142 25

Oooo i wonder if i know you here!

She was probably just asking for you to fork over her stuff... I do not blame you if you down vote this.

at least she is your ex and you got rid of her when u did

I think you got out at the right time.

"Women are incapable of being an abusive partner in a relationship"

Kill Me Please!!! 9

Seriously? YDI so much. I wouldn't per say stab you with anything (or go very violent for that matter), but seriously, if you dumped her without a reason, then YDI. Hence the username, I am going through something like this. I got dumped for no particular reason (and my ex still likes me, soo....) (p.s. the username was just a joke between me and a friend, who I have told about the break up. I litterally just asked her what would be a good username, and that's what she said. I should probably get a new username. ???)