By Raaaaaaarrrrrr - 13/07/2009 02:30 - United States

Today, I bought a CD off a man who always plays Spanish guitar in the subway. When I got to work and tried playing the CD, it was blank. I paid $15 for a blank CD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 148
You deserved it 21 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call technical support. Maybe your drive can't read the... Oh, who am I kidding, you got ripped.

next time maybe don't buy CDs from randoms in the subway.. but FYL, that's really lame.


Probably should of listened to it first.

This happened to me once, but with Christmas carolers. They came to my door to sing, and because the money went to charity i decided to purchase one of their CD's. It was blank too:(

Hawilo 0

HAHAHA here in lebanon it always happenes ... sometimes we pay more then 15 $ :P we got used 2 it

Imawhalerider 0

ydi for putting your name raaaaaarrrr

When you're putting together many CDs, it's easy to make a mistake and put a blank one in the "burned" stack. It's entirely possible that he made a simple mistake, and intended to sell you a regular CD. Since you see him frequently, you may want to tell him about the problem; he'll be likely to exchange it.

emyle11 0

Hey, at least you know where to find him.

Hahaha, go back to the subway tomorrow & beat him with his CD.

lol, but u r going to heaven anyways.

Hahaha. This totally made my day... at least it was only 15 dollars.

Jesus, you think this is a FYL? ... If he's always there, take it back to him and ask him to swap it. If he says no, threaten him with the law. Easy.