By Raaaaaaarrrrrr - 13/07/2009 02:30 - United States

Today, I bought a CD off a man who always plays Spanish guitar in the subway. When I got to work and tried playing the CD, it was blank. I paid $15 for a blank CD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 148
You deserved it 21 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call technical support. Maybe your drive can't read the... Oh, who am I kidding, you got ripped.

next time maybe don't buy CDs from randoms in the subway.. but FYL, that's really lame.


lmao, i guess you dont gotta be drake to sell a blank CD xD

stehfuhknee 0

damn that sucks. omg are u kidding me? $15 is a lot for ONE blank cd? I'd be pissed.

starburst_boy 0

How is this an FML??? "Oh noes, I lost a grand sum of FIFTEEN DOLLARS to a poor musician!!! Noooouuuuuu."

That's actually smart though; poor musicians labelling blank CDs as real ones. Never thought of that. I'll hold on to that when I visit my next metropolitan area.

n42nate 0

Go back and find him and when you do, throw the cd at his face

OK so here's the update: I've been carrying around the CD with me all week in hopes of finding him in the subway again. Finally, today, I saw him and I went up to him with the CD and said "hey! I bought this from you last week and it's blank!" He's very very nice and gave me another one. I took it out and looked at the back and told him it didn't look written to either. He insisted that "the company was good." He doesn't speak English very well. I think he meant that the whoever produced the album for him is a good person....anyway the new CD is also blank but he's not doing it on purpose! Whoever recorded him and made the CD's for him screwed up the burning. So...I guess I'll tell him again next time...

hatehatehatehate 0

LOL ....... wow....... I miss it there LOL

burtonboard97 0

at least you can burn some songs.

I know the guy you are speaking of. I always found him to be extremely nice. He used to be on either the orange 6th Ave or the green Union Square every morning when I lived in NY; can't remember which. Please do help him!

i never ended up telling the guy he's been selling blank CD's...I should