By Raaaaaaarrrrrr - 13/07/2009 02:30 - United States

Today, I bought a CD off a man who always plays Spanish guitar in the subway. When I got to work and tried playing the CD, it was blank. I paid $15 for a blank CD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 148
You deserved it 21 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call technical support. Maybe your drive can't read the... Oh, who am I kidding, you got ripped.

next time maybe don't buy CDs from randoms in the subway.. but FYL, that's really lame.


Twin_Uzis 0

Might have been an accident. I don't know how many times I've tried to burn music to a CD, but it didn't copy even though it said it did.

Why did you pay $15 for what you thought was a CD of some subway guitar player? I'd have offered $5 at the most if I really wanted to buy it.

ayylash 0

YDI for being a moron? I mean seriously, no shit. that's what you get for trusting random people on the street. I hope the $15 was put to good use by this guy

dramakat11 0

I don't think she deserves it! She was trying to do something nice for a struggling musician. Sure there's a high chance of being ripped off by someone on the street but I still think it's worth trying to be nice sometimes, as long as you don't go broke doing it.

wtf_dood 0

Flip it over, make sure it has data on it. Takes half a second and half a brain.

dyingstart 0

There is a slight chance it was an accident and the CD didn't burn sucks, but it happens. if you see him again, ask him for another disk. He may look at you like a crazy person, but it doesn't hurt to try.

at least u will probably see him again, u did say he "always" plays guitar in the subway...... next time he's there, take the CD and snap it above his head =D

If you look at the data side of the cd you can usually tell if there is data on it, there is a slight color distortion. Just a fyi for the future =) but i might of done that too. Sucks that you got ripped off though.