By konens_dick - 22/03/2009 10:38 - United States

Today, I awoke to the sound of my dad knocking on my dorm room door for a surprise visit. He's barely outside the door and I pull the door open and say hey, when my roommate strips naked pulls the door open, kisses me on the cheek, says in an uber-gay voice, "Thanks for last night", and leaves. FML
I agree, your life sucks 276 746
You deserved it 37 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CptJackSwallows 0

that is bloody funny. Plan on how to get him back.

Inkspell 2


devinek12 0

bitch this aint no thang. gecho self a person to sex wit u and take u sum pics and shit and show em 2 ur dada to make hi think you dont be goin afta some man butthole

That's amazing! My guess would be that he proceeded to a friend's room down the hall... atleast that's what I'd do.

permission2laugh 0

****** up i bet u had fun explaining that to your dad

how hard is it to get a roommate change request at your school????

Tobias_Grey 0

Your roommate is my new favorite person.

Brolin 4

your roommate is ******* EPIC xD

evilteriyaki301 0

HAHAHA I love your roommate :]

polishswede 0