By promposer - 04/04/2016 18:55 - United States - Dobbs Ferry

Today, I asked a girl to prom by having 5 friends hold up signs saying "P-R-O-M-?" while I snuck up behind her. She said yes... to my friend holding the "?", who she thought was the one asking her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 630
You deserved it 4 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We need a follow up to see if he went along with it.

Aww, I'm sorry OP. That's sucks. Maybe explain the situation, and hope your friend isn't a douche.


hoosiergirl94 31

That sucks. I'm curious to know how you handled the situation.

That sucks. Can't blame her for thinking it was someone else though, she didn't even know you were there. Next time try standing in front of her with flowers or something.

Honest mistake...did he stand up for you?

Oo that's gotta sting ;( hopefully it's all resolved OP

Maybe not be a corny little man with corny little friends next time.

Oh dear... it would probably have made sense to stand where she could actually see you. Did it get cleared up? I've never understood the huge deal people make about prom in the USA (assuming that's where you are). It's not that big at all over here

I dont understand the big deal is about prom?! there's so many guys every year who fail to find prom partners what about them??!!!

You don't need a partner to go to prom...most of my (female) friends had no dates but they just all went together and had a blast. And if someone doesn't care for prom (like my bf) they just don't go. Prom is like any other occasion (sweet sixteen, quinceanera, etc) don't HAVE to celebrate the things they are celebrating (and many people don't find them important), but those who do just organize those activities for the fun of it.

Did he go along with it? Did you correct her? Did she say yes to you? So many questions. Definitely need a follow-up on this one.