By Anonymous - 17/01/2016 08:19 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my pregnancy hormones were so bad, I broke down crying because my cat sat on my husband's lap instead of mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 974
You deserved it 2 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TacticalBacon 10

At least someone is getting some pussy tonight...

To be honest, I get upset when my cat sits on my boyfriend's lap instead of mine too. It's like being rejected by your child.


Being pregnant is a difficult situation especially with the crazy hormones

I don't know why I found this funny. Sorry OP. Pregnancy hormonal stories are cute and funny

TacticalBacon 10

At least someone is getting some pussy tonight...

Maybe you smell really 'fishy' because your expecting and your cat is like Garfield... You know, hates fish but loves lasagna....Food for thought....

To be honest, I get upset when my cat sits on my boyfriend's lap instead of mine too. It's like being rejected by your child.

The fact that your icon is a cat makes this comment so much better...

That just so happens to be the very cat that prefers my boyfriend's lap to mine!

I am pregnant also and I can confirm this... I cry so many times a day over silly things, and then I cry over the fact that I'm crying do often. ._.

Seriously. When I was pregnant I cried because my husband made me a ham sandwich...

That bastard! Doesn't matter which one, I'm just pissed with you! You're not alone!