By ITM21 - 09/03/2012 06:43 - United States

Today, I accused a student in my class of getting his dad to do his homework. It turns out that his dad died two years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 776
You deserved it 57 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shouldn't be throwing wild accusations there, should you...?

Why???! When does being smart became a crime?!


MsMeiriona 2

You know, I would not at all be surprised if the kid had been cheating, and lucked out that the accusation was too specific.

HogwartsDropout7 0
chels1994 11

Why would you even call such accusations? Because they did good? Perhaps they're just smart enough to do really well in school...

Jackass... you basically insulted him! You thought he wasn't smart enough to do it his self! That's ****** up.. You're supposed to have faith in your students, be proud of their accomplishments. Not ruin their confidence by thinking they are dumb. Once again.... Jackass.

melrose90210 10

Why would you even say that to begin with?

Maybe next time blame the Internet instead of the deceased? BTW if I was this kids mom I would have your job for harassment.

Ammi 7

Regardless of the parental status, this was not an appropriate thing to say to a student. You can accuse them of plagiarism or cheating (if you believe it actually occurred), sure, but unless you KNOW the source of said misdeed, you haven't any right to name one.