By ITM21 - 09/03/2012 06:43 - United States

Today, I accused a student in my class of getting his dad to do his homework. It turns out that his dad died two years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 776
You deserved it 57 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shouldn't be throwing wild accusations there, should you...?

Why???! When does being smart became a crime?!


ok that was mean. but even if his dad was alive and did it u should learn to mind ur own business instead of pointing @ others. just do ur homework n learn.

Definitely deserved it. About the stupidest thing anyone can ever do is make assumptions.

bunggobuchzz 1

Why is it so impossible to believe that a student might be smart?

You know what they say when you assume, teacher. Or did YOUR dad do all the learning for YOU?

Assume makes an ass out of u and me. That one never gets old.

Youre a bitch OP. Like seriously? I hope you get fired

peterjr 0
Travis95_fml 8

Your a ******* idiotic teacher.

Shame on you! you totally deserve it I had a teacher like you on 4th grade would accuse me of the same thing and she was a bitch she would embarrass me in front of the class and would never let me do anything