By Boob - 07/01/2010 16:36 - United Kingdom

Today, for my art project, I spent hours painting my whole body in black spots with acrylic paint. I then went and stood outside in the snow, naked, so I could take pictures of it. Only then to find out the camera was out of batteries. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 647
You deserved it 34 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

strawberryswirl 0


well clearly you have a what about friends with cameras? a neighbor?

Yeah, because naturally the OP wants to lug her computer and webcam (which likely has poor quality) outside, run an extension cord inside, and set everything up in the snow to take a picture. Because that's so much easier than changing the camera's batteries.

Kristoffer 35

Step 2: Prepare yourself for the photograph. Step 3: Stand outside naked in the snow. Step 1: Check the equipment to ensure it's functioning properly. Seems like your steps are out of order...

Today, my kids were playing outside when all of sudden they came running in screaming and into there room and won't say why, I looked outside to see my weird neighbor standing outside in the snow naked with black spots painted all over her, now my kids refuse to come out because "the ugly cow is going to get them", FML

tb15 0

I joined fml just to tell you how funny this comment is! DUDE YOUR ARE HILARIOUS

Art is in the eye of the beholder; each person has a different idea of what art is. That's why a blank canvas with a small dot in the middle can fetch thousands; to someone that work was beauty, while to others it was a cheap cash-in. It just depends on your perspective. Same with music, dance, fashion, etc...

that project is interesting.. your teacher will love it

penguindude7289 0

wait so u were naked if ur a girl thts kinda weird then who took the pic

So... it'd be normal if it were a guy? O.o

Erindub 0

Uummmm...I'm out of words. Naked in the snow?

@3 you fucktard the camera had no batterys. You pig get a girlfriend and do her multiple times