By Anonymous - 14/03/2011 00:20 - United States

Today, eating my weight in breadsticks at Olive Garden and trying to relive my childhood via a pogo stick was not a good combination. My new shoes are now a different color. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 580
You deserved it 38 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ooh, pogo sticks! Definitely worth it. But YDI for eating that much. Try to control yourself next time.

Yes I see. Another victim of Pogo dieting. Less dangerous than Yo-yo dieting but more messy.


30/31 - Okay. Lesson of the day: what happens when you eat a shit ton of food and then do something active immediately after? You feel sick, right? Well, what happens if you stuff yourself so much you resemble a human sausage? Even walking makes you feel sick. So, adding jumping on a pogo stick is not a good idea. Guess what happened? They threw up on their shoes. Not very hard to deduce that, ladies and gents.

cptmorgan15 2

That is the funniest picture ever! haha, but you're an idiot.

ellephaba101 0

Are you jmayrod on amirite?

lol I like how you worded that last part.

Why the hell were you pogo sticking in Olive Garden? Dumbass, you deserved it.

she wasn't pogo sticking IN olive garden, dumbass. she got out of olive garden, then chose to get on a pogo stick. I imagine she would have gotten kicked out if she was pogo sticking IN olive garden.

would have made the fml better though. lol.

619warrior281 5

your one of those people who eat before riding every ride at a carnival huh?

At least your face isn't a different color!

zowieandzander77 1