By Jessie - 25/11/2011 06:13 - United States

Today, during my boyfriend's family reunion, I started my period but didn't have any tampons. I asked my boyfriend to ask his mom if she had any. I sat on the toilet waiting, then heard him loudly ask his whole family "Does anybody have a tampon my girlfriend can have?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 479
You deserved it 4 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rei_Ayanami 18

Chances are they'll never let you live it down, too. Say in ten years you're married, then somebody brings it up. You may doubt it, but people love to remember embarrassing things.


Why didnt you look in the bathroom closet or cabinet....?

GetTheFuckOut 7

Dude. It's just a tampon. Not that big of a deal.

Well, at least he's not embarrassed to do that for you ^_^

Lol just ask really loudly if anyone has any extra small condoms

Usually I will look around in the bathroom first then I would ask someone myself. Guys will be guys.

Hey if it gets serious you'll always have something to laugh about with his family.

hellodeandra 8

Don't ask, just look in the cabinet! It's not like they count them and get mad when a tampon or two is missing lol

Wow how embarrassing!! It's not like roughly 50% of the population on this earth has their periods every month. It's as natural as breathing.