Man cave

By Anonymous - 04/10/2023 04:00

Today, it's been about two months since I made my husband sleep in the spare room after an argument. I invited him back to our room after two nights but he refused. Since then he’s moved a TV, Xbox, fridge and new armchair into the spare room, and put a lock on the door only he has a key for. I’ve barely seen him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 276
You deserved it 1 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some of you can’t read. OP said after TWO NIGHTS, they invited him back, but he refused and wanted to stay there.

sounds like you did this to yourself. 2 months? how ridiculous to keep a fight going that long. sounds like you don't communicate at all with eachother.


Sounds like time to redecorate your room!

sounds like you did this to yourself. 2 months? how ridiculous to keep a fight going that long. sounds like you don't communicate at all with eachother.

I think he's telling you it's over. He's just biding his time in there. Time to evict him from the whole house and file for divorce.

She has no right to evict him. She can work harder to fix the situation or she can leave.

This could count as spousal abandonment, and her lawyer could remove his name from the property.

What right did she have to kick him out of a room in their joint property? She caused this.

headlock95 3

Might as well start divorce proceedings. It took you 2 months to sort shit out between you too? You’re an idiot

Some of you can’t read. OP said after TWO NIGHTS, they invited him back, but he refused and wanted to stay there.

You let him stay there for 2 nights, before you wanted him back? Well, sounds like he found himself a new freedom, away from crazy. You did it, now stfu!

Why 2 months? 1 night - fair enough if you both needed time to cool off but you both should have sat down and talked it through the next day. Neither of you did (or tried) by the sounds of it. So, if the communication is gone, why are you both still together? YDI and YDI to the husband as well.

Protect yourself and start preparing for a divorce

Time for you to reevaluate how you treat your husband. kicking your significant other out of the bed is an abusive manipulation tactic. And it sounds like your husband is tired of your BS, serves you right for your behavior. Time for you to do some serious ass kissing and making up and couples therapy would probably be a good idea, otherwise you're headed towards divorce.

"If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." Your husband discovered the contrapositive of that statement: If you can do the time, you are truly free!