By TheTruthofWomen - 04/11/2013 05:45 - United States

Today, at work, I had to explain to my co-manager at work what a period was, after he refused to let an employee go change her tampon. Afterwards, he panicked, saying he thought women made that up so they didn't have to have sex, before trying to send her to the hospital and fainting. We're 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 204
You deserved it 4 669

Same thing different taste

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I'm just speechless. How is this possible for a grown-up man in his twenties?


Well, in his defense, women DO look for any excuse to not have sex.

technolove 7

192, maybe they're looking for an "excuse" to not have sex because they don't WANT it then. what do you think, you're allowed to have sex with a woman even if she's says no, hmm?

Interestingly not all sex ed classes cover periods. Mine didn't at least not very well for guys to grasp that women bleed every month from their vaginas. I believe how they described it as more of a restart of the cycle. I'm sure many males in my class were surprised to realize what this meant when they witnessed it themselves later on in life. Mind you sex Ed was new to my school back then and coming from a catholic school that blurred certain parts in that class I can't blame the males for being ignorant after getting such shitty education. I pray today it has gotten better.

Carrie: The Next Generation. Seriously, how can anyone 24 years old not know what a period is, regardless of their gender? By that point, half your life would have been spent with a monthly visitor. All guys I know are well educated about women and their bodily functions (which is sad considering our pathetic excuse at a sex ed class), so I just can't fathom why a 24-year-old man isn't at least in the know that it's a common thing for a woman to bleed out her ****** every month. Yes, it sounds crass, but I guess I'm in shock. I lose more and more faith in humanity every day...

The thing about this that scares me the most is that this man believes women are obligated to have sex. If he actually used the phrase "have to have sex" with regards to women, I would be unable to trust him ever again, because of what it implies about his ability to understand consent. That he is so ignorant about the reproductive cycle of women as well as using entitled language with regards to intercourse, he sounds like the subject of a crime drama waiting to happen. Maybe I'm overreacting slightly, but the potential for someone like this? Scary. Hopefully some swift re-education can be undertaken, and someone can address the entitlement issues he revealed regarding sex. Too many people don't understand consent.

Ghazzie 7

Talkin' bout a sheltered childhood. His parents went way wrong somewhere...

hannahchik13 6

Any person that naive or downright dumb should not be co-managing anything.

nitrog100 21

Blame our education system for that.

jenevil27 9

wow.. if i were her, i would've went anyway

wow, the human race saddens me I am so sorry for you that you need to put up with a moron like that