By YOU KNOW WHAT, FUCK THE CUSTOMER - 20/07/2013 17:47 - United States - Sherwood

Today, at work, a woman came up to the snack bar and ordered a pretzel with no salt. When I served her the food, she angrily complained about it having no salt, followed by her throwing the whole thing in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 204
You deserved it 3 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aliyourpally 12

She got what she asked for, but you didn't OP.


No doubt there are security cams all over the place at your work. Have you considered laying an assault charge on this lunatic customer..?

I have rarely felt so much contempt for the human race as I did when I worked in customer service.

xomelicakes 5

I work at McDonald's and honestly I feel as if customers just get more rude every day.

never understood how ppl swear they could just throw food at others

Maybe it was one of those YouTube pranks?

I strongly agree with the title of this Fml... Ftc.

tehdarkness 21

Long live the customer service industry! FYL op, people are idiots.