By Dude - 19/08/2009 10:32 - United States

Today, at WalMart, I saw a guy taping a sign that read "Hide and seek world champs!" over the lost children board. I chased him out of the store, then came back to take it down. As I was trying to remove the sign, a huge crowd began cursing at me and threatening me. They thought I'd made the sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 656
You deserved it 5 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

That is really gross that someone would actually make a sign like that. Sorry they thought it was you. =[

I feel guilty for laughing at that...but goddamn that's hilarious


Why the **** didnt you say anything to the obvious crowd?! Although Im impressed by the ignorant crowd who would rather jude than actually see what you're doing (since its very easy to see if you're pullig somethig down vs taping something up)

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : What a jackass. Good for you OP, for chasing him down. but FYL for people thinging it was you.

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : It's sickening people actually think this is funny. They must not have a carring bone in their body to see how truly tragic that sign is.

Other than that sign being cruel, it's a tad funny

courtjester86 8

I don't get it? Hide and seek champs??

It's not your job to clean up at Wal-Mart you should have told an employee.

Thats not even funny and plz stop commenting about how "funny" it is because its not so shut it