By Anonymous - 21/10/2015 04:46 - United States - Middleboro

Today, at our wedding, instead of saying "I do", my fiancé paused before saying, "I can't do this", stepped down from the altar and proposed to my maid of honor. When she obviously refused, he ran from the venue bawling. He's not returning my calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 519
You deserved it 2 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry op, that's awful. At least you found out before you were married. Wishing you the best!

slutfactory 17

Wow, that's insane, Op. Really sorry about your wedding. I hope things get better for you.


So let's get this straight the guy proposes, gets the entire wedding set and is then AT THE ALTER and THEN he decides he can't do it??? Really?? Wtf is wrong with people.... He ain't worth your time.

Wow, that is an epic all time disaster.

I think she dodged a cannonball that was on fire.

Sorry but I wouldn't be calling him if I'm you. Speak with your moh and find out what's going on.

why the hell are you trying to call him??

Did he think he was in a romantic comedy and that this would all work out for him?! What an ass.

Kevinmeowbeanz 22

At least she refused lol. I think it would have been worse otherwise ?

Screw that guy, you deserve so much better! What an ass he's made of himself, he deserves to be alone.