That went well

By Gigi - 02/07/2021 13:59

Today, my now ex-fiancé walked out on me on our wedding day. He decided his best female friend, whom he constantly told me not to worry about while we were together, is his "soulmate." Both of them ran away together to god knows where, while I stood there humiliated in front of our family and friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 179
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rule of thumb, if they tell you not to worry than allways worry and be ready to cut your losses. if they truly believed there was nothing for you to worry about they wouldn't see the need to reassure you as what they are(n't) doing is normal.


rule of thumb, if they tell you not to worry than allways worry and be ready to cut your losses. if they truly believed there was nothing for you to worry about they wouldn't see the need to reassure you as what they are(n't) doing is normal.