By hating labels - 23/10/2012 08:21 - Australia

Today, at breakfast, my sister labelled me a "feminist." My whole family now refuses to talk to me for more than 30 seconds, and acts as though I have an incurable, highly contagious disease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 922
You deserved it 5 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should frame a giant copy of the 19th amendment, just to freak them out.


Since she likes labels, you could try labeling her a lesbian.

RedPillSucks 31

Wait... A lesbian feminist.. ooooh ooohh, a vegan, lesbian, feminist..... cat lover!!!!

bach2121 13

I hope you didn't make her do the dishes...

I hate labels. No, I'm not being a hipster, I really don't like labels. Labels lead to stereotyping.

I imagine you going into your cupboard and ripping off all the labels screaming "Freedom from the oppression, liberation to the shackled!"

30: Don't solute anyone! You'll have to convert them to a powder then drown them, and in most places that constitutes murder. /chemistryjoke

Feminism is a gret idea, if done right. If the girl wanr equality between man and woman. Sadly, most "feminist" whan rights over men. I'd like to quote a guy from the internet; "It's not enough that I shall succeed, others should fail." ... That's basicly their ideology.

Sorry, but you're wrong. You, a man, don't get to speak for what women want. Real feminists just want equality. That's all.

Oh but you magically know what all women want and need? CaptnNorway has as much of a right and ability to be feminist as you do.

77, my best friend is a feminist an he's a dude. He wants equal rights for woman such as fair pay and health care. That's what being a feminist is. Now there's the Extremist that just take everything too far and say "death to men" idk if they say exactly that but along those lines.

I'll tell you what, I'm all for equality but when it comes to the point that it accommodations are being made for one sex but not the other, that's unfair. Such as insurance rates. How the hell are those equal for everyone?! Squeaky wheel gets the grease folks.

RedPillSucks 31

Insurance rate difference is not a fair argument about gender discrimination. The insurance rates are different because more men get into accidents than women (irrespective of what you may think about the driving ability of women). Insurance companies are all about making money. Do you claim age discrimination because people under 25 have higher rates than people over 25?

#126, do they charge for race or religion? If not, would you advocate it? Age isn't really an argument because there is an age limit to begin doing everything, so younger people are less experienced and educated. Also, there's a much better biological argument than there is for sex or race. I'm sure there's a statistical argument to be made, but it just comes off as... I don't know, collective punishment? I don't see why everyone of a particular group should have to pay more just because more members of the same group than others happen to do stupid things...

I meant coverage issues. Insurance companies can deny woman birth control coverage which has been proven to help with way more than preventing babies but those same companies can approve erectile dysfunction medicine and cover it 100% that only improve mans sexual performance.

The_F3rris 11

The world is a very unfair place.

unknown_user5566 26

67- I think you're thinking of the "extreme" feminists.

It will always be a dual edged sword (can't think of the name for it.) what some girls can do guys can't and will probably get into much more trouble.

Sounds like the subculture of American Christian Homeschoolers today.

Seems like you're not opposed to labels and stereotypes either. Can you say, "hypocrisy?" Because your sure can display it.

1, My comment was mostly a joke. 2,, I was referring to the treatment that she received. I said nothing for or against labels and stereotypes. 3rd, I graduated as a homeschool student so I know all about the homeschool community. Me and my homeschool friends lightheartedly mock the homeschool community (and thus ourselves) quite frequently. Not because we harbor any ill feeling toward them, but because we feel it is good to be able to laugh at our own mistakes. Hypocrisy is the state of promoting or administering virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually have or is also guilty of violating. While I am guilty of not possessing many of the same values and beliefs that many other homeschoolers have, I was not promoting any of them and therefore, I am not being hypocritical.