By meep - 16/03/2017 00:00

Today, as I was walking to wash my hands after using the restroom, the guy walking away from the sink flicked water from his hands towards the floor. Water splashed all over my beige shorts. I had to walk back into class looking like I'd peed my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 831
You deserved it 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

itssnotfunny 24

Wouldn't they be in specks though? If anything it would look like your pee rebounded off the urinal onto your shorts.

Why do guys do this? Use a paper towel. Every time I have to clean the men's bathroom at work there is water everywhere from the hand flicking when there is paper towels right next to the sink!


itssnotfunny 24

Wouldn't they be in specks though? If anything it would look like your pee rebounded off the urinal onto your shorts.

Water flicked toward the ground made what really looked like a pee stain? Nice try. Incontinent people shouldn't wear beige or white pants.

Why do guys do this? Use a paper towel. Every time I have to clean the men's bathroom at work there is water everywhere from the hand flicking when there is paper towels right next to the sink!

well, do you consider the impact wasting all of those paper towels has on the environment

Well, did you consider all the harmful mold that could grow from water seeping into the floor?

nyanara 11

Well, you could flick your hands into the sink and not on the floor. Problem solved

Well, did you consider the harmful mold that could grow from water seeping into the floor?

species4872 19

Well, did you consider that it's because they're ******* lazy.

Idk about everyone else, but I do it so I don't need to use as much paper

I flick water INTO THE SINK and then use a small piece of the paper towel to dry the rest... I do NOT flick the water at the floor or other people, or anywhere else that is not -the sink-.... and it's not done in such a way that water gets absolutely everywhere. Maybe this guy had a literal handful of water right before flicking it towards OP, and that left a massive water stain... who knows. People are selfish, lazy, and useless... ?

Question mark is not supposed to be there. Ignore. x

Nfwdude 4

"You ain't cool unless you pee you pants" - Billy Madison.

lukcy_basartd 11

"....All the kids my age are doing it, it's the coolest!" "If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis."

Manual_Manoosy 21

Just turn the shorts around next time.