By off-balance - 16/01/2016 15:00 - Finland

Today, as I was trying to get off a crowded train, some asshole pushed past me hard enough to nearly knock me over. My bag hit a preschool kid standing behind me, and I missed my stop trying to apologize to him. His mom yelled at me all the way to the next stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 973
You deserved it 1 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

scottishoatmeal 22

His mom should have realised it wasn't your fault. Surely she would have seen it happen. Or at least let you explain!

Did she not see you being pushed? All you can do is apologise and move on, unfortunately some people cannot be reasoned with.


Sometimes there's no reasoning with some people.

scottishoatmeal 22

His mom should have realised it wasn't your fault. Surely she would have seen it happen. Or at least let you explain!

I think the problem is that she saw her kid get hurt and then stopped thinking rationally for a while. It happens to many people. My big brother for exemple used to get so mad when I was hurt eventhough sometimes i simply fell.

mrinnocent 12

His mom should have been considerate!

MzZombicidal 36

All aboard the boo-boo train!

You're a nice person for trying to apologise. His mom wasn't.

Did she not see you being pushed? All you can do is apologise and move on, unfortunately some people cannot be reasoned with.

countryb_cth 38

Wow that mom hugely overrated, you apologized for what was clearly an accident and that should have been the end of that. Honestly she probably made her self look worse by continuing to scream at you than you did when you accidentally hit her kid. Some people overreact way too much.

Sucks op but you kind of deserve it for allowing her to yell at you all the way to next stop. You should have cut her off and explained clearly what happened, then if she continued, yelled back and defended yourself. There was no reason for you to just sit there and take it.

What's the point of causing a scene with a crazy person on the train? Let her yell and get off at the next stop - at least then she's the only crazy.

I hate saying this but some parents are real assholes.

Gosh I really HATE the f*ckers who push people in trains like this a-hole.

Don't ever take the subway in Beijing, then. It's a madhouse....