Entitled much?

By grandpa - 27/11/2023 05:00

Today, despite being the first to hold all my other grandchildren, despite my son and bitch of a daughter-in-law agreeing I would be the first, I showed up at the hospital to see my daughter-in-law's father holding my grandchild before me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64
You deserved it 2 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well dont you sound fun...get over yourself!!!

Why are you the first to hold the grandchild? The first should be the father, not the grandparent


snubbo1313 1

it matters why? why should you get priority over another grandparent who has the same rank as you? also, you’re a grandparent, aren’t you little old to be on fml?

Kind of an ageist comment. I'm old enough to be a grandfather and I'm on here daily

n3rdn3ss 8

Down vote for being such a huge d****e bag. OP probably has way better social skills than you will ever accomplish, besides that, I will say that OP needs to chill about being the first for every grand child.

Why are you the first to hold the grandchild? The first should be the father, not the grandparent

Well dont you sound fun...get over yourself!!!

dragonladiesfire 19

Are you going to love this grandchild less because you weren't the first to hold them? Honestly, the important part is that you are there and they're allowing you to be a part of a personal event that's happening to them.

Oh, take off, nobody cares. You sound absolutely ghastly. I hope your son cuts you off from his family.

I second this. How awful to have a parent, who is now a grandparent, be so utterly petty and calls your spouse a bitch for such a meaningless slight.

SylvarLorali 4

The way you speak about your daughter in-law is disgusting, and you should be ashamed of yourself. It doesn't matter how you feel about her, she is the mother of your grandchild so grow up and have some damn respect. I'm very surprised they let you near them at all.

Well, aren't you a crotchety old coot? Get over yourself.

TomeDr 24

I witnessed the birth of my first two grandchildren but, because of unfortunate timing, I missed the birth of the third. Want to know what difference it made? None. I love him just like his older siblings. The only reason you’re upset is because you’re selfish. Do better.

you sound very very entitled, it's not becoming of you at all. they probably said you could just to shut you up. they are the parents not you. you don't get to dictate the situation. get off your high horse and just be happy for them and the new bundle of joy.