By Anonymous - 08/03/2011 18:25 - United States

Today, as I couldn't get the airplane seat buckle to buckle, I faced the fact that I've been in denial about how fat I have become. The people in my row faced it too as I began to sob uncontrollably. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 195
You deserved it 36 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Dust yourself off, and create a gameplan to shed some lbs.

dude that's your own damn fault. if you're unhappy with your body, go on a diet.


Hayllee 4

That sucks OP. At least now you can start losing it (can't start losing weight if you don't realize you need to). Good luck. :)

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha!!!!!!!!! YOU OFFICALLY FAIL AT LIFE!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My thoughts exactly. If you seriously can't tell when you even reach the BORDERLINE, you deserve it.

bthomas0319 2

Wow, get some liposuction done! it's your own damn fault anyways!(unless it's for some medical reason)

99% of fat people are fat because they can't put down the twinkies. There are very, very few people on this planet that are fat due to legitimate health conditions. It seriously makes me so sick to think that 30% (or whatever the percentage is up to now) of Americans are overweight. GET A ******* GRIP, PEOPLE.

Lots of people are overweight because of their lack of a good lifestyle, but it's definitely not 99%.

You do realize those percentages for people who are overweight don't just include people who are grossly overweight. It also includes those people who are like two pounds over whatever the supposed "ideal" weight is for their body type. The point being that while there is a large percentage of overweight people not all of those overweight people would actually qualify as fat if you were looking at them.

I think fat people are cute when they cry

Fat people are cute like giant babies! Skinny people don't have that going for them so they actually have to be cute. But really I don't get why crying would be cute... funny, maybe :) Not trying to be rude, people can laugh at me all they want and I'd just be happy to put a smile on their face.(;


they are so cute especially when the stretch and you see mold in their belly button. just adorable.

_Fun_Sized_ 0

wow people are mean. I'm sorry OP .... but yeah... why do we need seat belts because if we do crash... no matter what ... we r dead! Haha good luck though

sammigirl148 0